New Beginning
Posted 07 16 21
My new single, New Beginning, is out now. Buy / stream here.
I recorded New Beginning at the start of 2021. The last year has been so difficult for so many. I was fortunate to be one of the lucky ones. So many lost their incomes, their sense of purpose, their health, or even a loved one. Every person on Earth felt some level of loss in a new and unique fashion. Some days, I felt depressed and anxious. I felt afraid that music would go away or that nobody would ever care about it anymore. I felt this way about many things. As people started to get their shots, and things started opening up, I felt a tinge of hope. Hope that maybe we can be a little more empathetic to each other through all of us having lived in this shared tragedy. Maybe things can even be, dare I say, better than before? “That’s overly optimistic!” Maybe. But in my experience, death always gives way to new life. We can’t replace what we’ve lost. The people that are gone will leave a permanent void in our hearts. But there’s always a new chapter to step into. I wrote this song to remind myself that the past and the present don’t define the future, and there’s always another beginning as long as you are willing to look for it.
Love, Cory.